Friday, January 27, 2012

I did not get a poke-radar!?

I bought pokemon platinum online and he has the national dex but has no pokeradar. I go to proffesor Rowan and Dawn and they act like I already have it. Whats the deal? Can you get rid of it somehow?|||Too my knowlegde, there is no way to discard "key Items" (Poke' Radar)

They might have used a illegal program (gameshark, Action Reply)

to mess up the game, which is making you unable to obtain ur poke' radar|||well u may hav a glitch due to sum action replay, gameshark,etc.

or u didnt explore and talk to everyone. hav u been to pal park?

did u beat the elite? did u catch all legendaries? if uve done all them and still they dont allow u then u hav a gltch..|||Did you get it from Rowan at Pal Park at any point? Have you been to Pal Park?

Wow... How the **** do I know this off the top of my head? I gotta get a life...|||yes... unfortunately i think you can sell it. its one of the few key items that you can

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