Friday, January 27, 2012

I own a 2002 Chevy Malibu and I need to know more on the Dexcool coolant that is supposed to be used.?

I did some research online about it after noticing that it said Dex cool coolant only on the reservoir. I could not find it in stores but when I checked online the horror stories I read as to the damage it has done to cars.

I tried to check for a orange color coolant in the car but I can't tell if it is that color or not(I read Dex cool is orange). However is it safe to add other forms of coolant and how can I find out if this is even in reservoir.

I really could use some input on this.|||Hey darlin,call your chevy dealer,ask for service manager and ask him your questions.I see Dexcool at AutoZone.Good Luck.|||most any bio degradable coolant will work, unless you live where it freezes it main purpose would be to reduce electrolysis|||I would not use that in anything I don't care what they recommend. I tried that once and it literally caked up on everything don't use it. It was corroding from the inside out.

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