Friday, January 27, 2012

What happens if you use action replay for all 493 pokemon then talk to the game directer in pokemon diamond?

I got an AR for Christmas and used the complete national dex cheat. Then I went and talked to the game dude. Now I hear that when you do that, you are instantly banned from going online and the whole gts thing. I dont have the wi-fi thing yet but i was wondering... is that true? I was going to restart my game cuz i kinda think the AR is stupid and cheap- yes i know what your thinking *then why the hell did you use it in the first place*- but i was wondering if i restarted my game that that would be fixed. If not, please tell me how to fix it.

Thanks in advance|||na i did the same thing u would not get banned i get hackk pokemon a trade it though wifi shiny dragonnite is very rare idk y but u would not be banned

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