Friday, January 27, 2012

On pokemon diamond does any one now how to get a glacion or leafeon? thow please cos i dont no how?

i need to complete my natinol dex but i dont no how to get them so it would help ty. does any one play runescape my users pokefan443 . :) i am up to cressela and i already have darkrai and a shiny ponita i dont have wi-fi yet but i might get it im online now my friend has a shiny arcreus he showed it to me at school do u now wat is worth a shiny arcreus?|||Watch this video here, tells you EVERYTHING you need to know!鈥?/a>

Good luck and have fun!|||near snowpoint ciy there is a rock you need to level evee up 1 level around the rock to get glacion and lefeon level up evee by another rock at a forest (can't remember name)|||its glaceon and shiny arecus is worth nothing in my opinion because it is a hack. if it was legit it was be worth more than any other pokemon

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