Friday, January 20, 2012

Maplestory: What gear can I use as a thief if I'm dexless?

I'm planning on creating a dexless thief, but I don't know how I'm going to be able to use any gear, let alone expensive gear, if my dex is too low. Mesos aren't a problem for me, I buy mine online. I just want to know what gear I can use, claws, gloves, etc, that doesn't have a minimum dex requirement, and where I can find it.|||Your best bet is to buy maple weapons, they have only level requirements. Try to buy them scrolled, but you can also try to buy scrolls and scroll them. The new maple weapons are level 64 weapons, and there should be more in the future.

Also,鈥?/a> is a good guide for dexless thieves.

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